Take cover!
We will take an excursion to the bunkers of our first republic. They were built to protect our borders from the north. The bunkers were captured during the first moments of German occupation in 1938 without a single bullet shot. Should we have defended ourselves? Would have we been capable of defending ourselves? Let’s find out.
The excursion costs 20 CZK (entrance fee for students) + cca 20 CZK (public transport with a student discount), please take coins because you will pay the fee during the excursion.
If you want to participate, please just REGISTER using the form below.
Meeting point: 7:30 in the AB lobby of dormitories

What with you: ISIC card

Capacity: 40 people (Your place is safe only after the registration)

Fee: cca 40 CZK, please take coins

See you,
Your ESN VSB – TU Ostrava team 😊

07/11/2019 - 07:30
Czech Republic