Research, Internship, Science and Educational Excursions 

There is one thing that all students have in common after they finish their university: They lack practice! And practical knowledge applied to a practice process is one of the most important things. Therefore, we do our best to open the door for you to find some practice also in Ostrava. Not only you can go and see many excursions in companies in normal working time, but also you can be more active and join the IRC4S project and get real practice, serious work. If you are interested in joining any part of the RISE programme, keep informed by mailing at


If you are interesting to get internship or another practice opportunity, send us your CV to and we can give you tips!

You can see video from Open Days (start internship) from last year..

Cooperation with companies

(CZ) Jsme schopni a ochotni vám pomoci při hledání nových stážistů z nejrůznějších národností. Pro pracovní kolektiv může být přítomnost cizince motivující a obohacující. 

Pokud potřebujete vyřešit nějaký problém, nebo vyhledat informace v některé cizí zemi, často by bylo efektivnější nechat vyhledat tyto informace rodilé mluvčí v dané zemi, než neustále narážet na jazykovou bariéru. (Itálie, Španělsko, Portugalsko, Turecko, Finsko, Belgie, Francie, Polsko, Rusko, Řecko, Litva, Ázerbájdžán, Ukrajina).

(EN) We are able and willing to help in the search for new trainees (Foregi). Why choose a foreign trainee? Our students can comunicate in English and their native language. It is really comfortable if you need manage something special and really fast in foreign country.

Do you need translators? Yes, without certifications, but students are cheaper and faster.

Contact: RISE Manager, e-mail:



Every year we organize couple of interesting excursions. Following picture is from planetarium...