Hello everybody and Welcome to Ostrava!
We are very happy that you have chosen to study at VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, especially in these times, when a decision like this takes a lot of courage. We will help you to still have an awesome time. The Welcome Ceremony is the most important event of the semester. It will happen on 2nd February at 13:00 or 1 PM (GMT +1:00).

We would love to see your excited faces and welcome you personally, however, it is not possible. Luckily, we still have the webcams. The Welcome Ceremony will happen online. You will be introduced to important university representatives, you will explore some facts about your host university and you will see how ESN will help you during your exchange.
You will see what activities we have prepared for you, what you can look forward to or what is an ESNcard, and how to get one. We will also guide you through your next steps to make the start of your exchange as smooth as possible. BE SURE TO BE THERE. 

https://tinyurl.com/reg4 ceremony // https://forms.gle/DEYHgwDshB4Pzxnx6

The registered ones will receive an email with a link for Google Meet, where the event will happen. If you are not registered or the time is not suitable for you, you can follow the stream on our Facebook or youtube or even rewatch it later.
Online platform: Google Meet, Facebook Live, Youtube Live
You can ask questions during the event on slido.com, event code #67380

See you,
Your ESN VSB – TU Ostrava team
Your ESN VSB – TU Ostrava team

web: https://esnvsb.cz/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/esnvsb/events/?ref=page_internal
facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3226423237404070/?source_id=316192378461038
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/esnvsbtuo/
whatsapp group chat: https://chat.whatsapp.com/GY6H8gieScQJMNtZjYV7Z6
02/02/2021 - 13:00
Czech Republic
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