Is your time in Ostrava coming to the end? But you have so much stuff that you can't fit in your suitcase, or you just don't want them?
Don't worry, we got you!
You can bring them to our office at dorms (building C, 7th floor) OR to building E reception at dormitories. We will collect them and sell them to future international students for symbolical price and the money from that we will give to those in need. 

You can leave your things, such as pots, plates, cutlery, cups, kettles, even clothes and other that are still in good condition and useable at dorms, building E's reception. 

We will be collection your things during Office hours, anyway during exam season they can be irregular, so look at the fb group first or write us a message that you want to come! 


Thank you very much!
Your ESN VSB-TUO team
Your ESN VSB-TUO team

18/12/2021 to 31/01/2022
Czech Republic
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