Hello guys,
this time we have prepared a chess tournament for you. Doesn't really matter if you are a grandmaster or beginner. It's just for you to play fun games with friends and win some prizes.
Sounds good ? Alright see you there !
🧡When: 16th November
🧡Meeting point: Dormitories B618
🧡What with you: If you have, bring your chess board, however it's not mandatory.
Instal a lichess or other app for chess clock and that's all ! :)
🧡Fee: 0 CZK
See you,
Your ESN VSB – TU Ostrava team 😊
web: https://esnvsb.cz/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/esnvsb/events/?ref=page_internal
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/esnvsbtuo/
telegram official channel: https://t.me/+f65H8ZHgtvZkNDc8
telegram spambox chat: https://t.me/+WKoyFY_6DUlmYmRk
office: J108 (dormitories VSB, hallway between building A and C)
calendar: https://esnvsb.cz/calendar
all links in one place: https://linktr.ee/esnvsbtuo
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